Hi! My Name Is...
Jamie DeMumbrum

Welcome to 4th grade! We are going to have an awesome year. I am teaming with Mr. Marcus Hammerseng and will teach your 4th grader all things Literacy and Social Studies.
A little about me...I’m a Hoosier and graduated from Indiana University SE and from Indiana State University, but my roots are Tennessee. :) Before moving back to Chattanooga, I lived in Indiana, Ohio (for many years), and even a short stint in New York!
My husband (John) and I relocated here 3 years ago and love this area! We have two wonderful, adult children, Max (married to Allie, near Philadelphia) and Olivia (St. Paul, MN) -- both too far away for this mom! We had the best July on record when our first grand baby (Samson) was born, again TOO far away! We spend a lot of time with our large (and delightful!) mix-of-a-dog, Stella.
I love to travel, read, watch the Reds and Bengals (and now the Lookouts!), and explore Chattanooga. This is my 4th year at Red Bank and my 13th year teaching. I love what I do. Your kids make me want to come to work every single day. Thanks for sharing them with me this year.