Kindergarten Registration

We are so excited to kick off another school year here at RBE! Below you will find information on the upcoming school year to help you navigate all things kindergarten!

Your child must be 5 years old by August 15, 2024 to attend kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. You may access registration on the Hamilton County website. Please have all of your required documents on hand and ready to upload when registering your child online. 

Please join us in the gym on August 14th from 5-6 pm for the Kindergarten Kick-Off! Come learn some more information about Kindergarten, meet your teacher, and enjoy a popsicle on the playground!

We are looking forward to a great 2024-2025 school year. You will watch your child grow so much. They will learn foundational reading skills, to write sentences, and develop a strong number sense for addition and subtraction. It will be an exciting adventure! In order for this to be a successful school year, communication is key. We encourage you to be involved in your child’s education at home and at school. Please work on building independence and the tasks listed on our
 Kindergarten Readiness Checklist

Upcoming Events

  • August 8: Phase-In (Group A, Day 1)
  • August 13: Phase-In (Group A, Day 2)
  • August 12: Phase-In (Group B, Day 1)
  • August 14: Phase-In (Group B, Day 2)
  • August 13: Forest Application closes
  • August 14: Kindergarten Kick-Off 5-6 pm
  • August 15: No Students
  • August 16: 1st Day of Kindergarten!


August 8th, 12th, 13th, & 14th from 8:15-2:00 pm.
Each incoming kindergartener will be given two Phase-In dates (Group A or Group B) where your student will spend the whole day getting to know kindergarten and what we’re all about here at RBE! Students will get to tour the school, eat lunch in the cafeteria, play on the playground, and so much more! Please note that all students will be car riders for arrival and dismissal on their phase-in dates. 

Group A will attend Phase-In on August 8th and 13th
Group B will attend Phase-In on August 12th and 14th
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